This project is no longer maintained and no further public releases are planned.

No further support will be given.

Feel free to fork the git repository.


Currently the only available AjaxHandler.
It uses the jQuery library ( The jQuery library is not included. Please include it yourself.

Note: Since version 1.5.0 AjaxHandler_JQuery requires jQuery 1.7 or higher.

Version added


TypoScript path

plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.ajax.x copy to clipboard



Initial content of the AJAX validation markers

Data type

String | cObj

Version added



The loading animation text or image used for AJAX validation.

Data type

String | cObj

Default value

<img src="typo3conf/ext/formhandler/Resources/Images/ajax-loader.gif"/>

Version added



Content to display if an AJAX validation was successful.

Data type

String | cObj

Default value

<img src="typo3conf/ext/formhandler/Resources/Images/ok.png"/>

Version added



Content to display if an AJAX validation failed.

Data type

String | cObj

Default value

<img src="typo3conf/ext/formhandler/Resources/Images/notOk.png"/>

Version added



If you use AJAX validation, you can disable the submit button until all error checks are valid. If you set this option to "1" Formhandler adds the attribute "disabled" to the submit button. If all AJAX based validation is valid, the attribute is removed and the user can submit the form.

To be able to style the submit button or other stuff based on the validation status, you can add the marker ###validation-status### to your form.

You have to set a formID in TypoScript and in the HTML template for your form!

Data type

Boolean | cObj

Version added



If set to "1", the form is submitted using an AJAX post request.

The container of the form is replaced with the response HTML.

Data type

Boolean | cObj

Version added



File uploads do not work when using ajaxSubmit. ajaxSubmit doesn't work with disableWrapInBaseClass=1.


When the form was submitted using AJAX, this text/HTML is shown until the response from the server arrives. So this setting is only useful in combination with ajaxSubmit.

The content of this setting is put into the marker ###loading_ajax-submit###.

Data type

String | cObj

Default value

<span class="loading_ajax-submit"><img src="typo3conf/ext/formhandler/Resources/Images/ajax-loader.gif"></span>

Version added



Configure the name of a JS function defined before. This function will be called as a callback function after AJAX calls. The function parameters are "data" and "textStatus". More information about the parameters in the jQuery documentation.

Data type

String | cObj

Version added



Configure the name of a JS function defined before. This function will be called as a callback function after an AJAX validation. The function parameters are:

jQuery element
The form field
jQuery element
The HTML returned by validation
The validation result

Data type

String | cObj

Version added


Example code

function validationCallback(field, result, isFieldValid) {
	if(!isFieldValid) {
	} else {
Example JS function. In TypoScript, just configure "ajaxValidationCallback = valdiationCallback"


Configure a custom alias instead of "jQuery" to be used in the generated JS.

Useful in combination with jQuery noConflict.

Data type

String | cObj

Default value


Version added



Set a custom base class for the validation status of a form. Only useful in combination with autoDisableSubmitbutton.

Data type

String | cObj

Default value


Version added



Set a custom class for the validation status of a valid form. Only useful in combination with autoDisableSubmitbutton.

Data type

String | cObj

Default value


Version added



Set a custom class for the validation status of an invalid form. Only useful in combination with autoDisableSubmitbutton.

Data type

String | cObj

Default value


Version added



When using ajaxSubmit with more than one form on a page, you might want to set a special JQuery selector for the submit button.

Data type

String | cObj

Default value

.Tx-Formhandler INPUT[type=\'submit\']

Version added



Control the position the generated JS is placed on the place. Formhandler always places the JS in the head section.

Use the value "footer" to add the JS before the closing body tag.
Use the value "inline" to add the JS inline. Useful if you use "disableAllHeaderCode" (Added in version 1.7.0)

Data type

String | cObj

Version added
