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How to set up SPAM protection

Do a time based check

Sometimes CAPTCHA images aren't possible in your form. Either because the client doesn't want them or because the website must be accessbile or because they are simply ugly.

Formhandler has another way of checking for SPAM attempts. Interceptor_AntiSpamFormTime checks the time the user needs to fill out the form. If it takes only a few seconds, it is a SPAM bot.

All you have to do is to add a special hidden field to your form holding the timestamp the form is created and to add and configure the Interceptor.

<input type="hidden" name="###formValuesPrefix###[formtime]" value="###TIMESTAMP###" />

###formValuesPrefix### is replaced with the prefix set in TypoScript.
###TIMESTAMP### is replaced with the UNIX timestamp of the form creation time.

plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings {
	saveInterceptors {
		10.class = Interceptor_AntiSpamFormTime
		10.config {
			# ID of a page to redirect SPAM bots to
			redirectPage = 123
 			minTime.value = 3
 			minTime.unit = seconds

Enabling captcha for your form

1. Make sure that the extension "captcha" is installed

2. Add the input field and the required marker to your template:

<input type="text" name="formhandler[captchafield]" />

3. Add an error check for this field in TypoScript:

plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.validators.1 {
  class = Tx_Formhandler_Validator_Default
  config {
    fieldConf {
      captchafield.errorCheck.1 = captcha

Enabling sr_freecap for your form

1. Make sure that the extension "sr_freecap" is installed

2. Add the required subpart to your template. You can change the name of the input field and any of the HTML code:

<!--###CAPTCHA_INSERT### this subpart is removed if CAPTCHA is not enabled! -->
  <label for="freecapfield">###SR_FREECAP_NOTICE###</label>
  <div class="clear"></div>
  <div class="clear"></div>
  <input type="text" size="15" id="freecapfield" name="formhandler[freecapfield]" title="###SR_FREECAP_NOTICE###" value="">

3. Add an error check for this field in TypoScript:

plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.validators.1 {
  class = Tx_Formhandler_Validator_Default
  config {
    fieldConf {
      freecapfield.errorCheck.1 = srFreecap

Enabling jm_recaptcha for your form

1. Make sure that the extension "jm_recaptcha" is installed

2. Create an account at to receive a public and a private key for your domain.

3. Enter the keys received from in TypoScript:

plugin.tx_jmrecaptcha {
  public_key = xxx
  private_key = xxx

4. Add a marker to the template:


5. Add an error check for this field in TypoScript:

plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.validators.1 {
  class = Tx_Formhandler_Validator_Default
  config {
    fieldConf {
      recaptcha_response_field.errorCheck.1 = jmRecaptcha

Enabling mathGuard for your form

1. Make sure the extension "mathguard" is installed.

2. Add a marker to the template


2. Add an error check for this field in TypoScript:

plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.validators.1 {
  class = Tx_Formhandler_Validator_Default
  config {
    fieldConf {
      mathguard_answer.errorCheck.1 = mathGuard

Honeypots, referer checks, ...

If you want to add honeypot fields, check the referer, check for enabled JavaScript or other possible stuff, check out extensions like spamshield. They will add the hidden fields automatically to your forms and do the checks. There is no need for Formhandler to get involved. :-)

If you want to use wt_spamshield for your Formhandler form, you can use the extension wt_spamshield_formhandler.

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