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File Upload

These are all available error checks dealing with file uploads. You can restrict allowed file types, set min and max uploadable files for one upload field and more.

Version added


Example code

validators {
  1.class = Validator_Default
  1.config {
    fieldConf {
      images.errorCheck {
        1 = fileAllowedTypes
        1.allowedTypes = jpg,png,gif
        2 = fileMaxCount
        2.maxCount = 5
        3 = fileMaxSize
        3.maxSize = 1048576 # = 1MB


Checks if the filetype of an uploaded file is allowed.


Checks if the files uploaded from a field are more than or equal the configured value


Checks if the files uploaded from a field are less than the configured value


Checks if the size of an uploaded file is at least the configured value (in Byte)


Checks if the size of an uploaded file is less than the configured value (in Byte)


Checks if the size of all uploaded file is less than the configured value (in Byte)


Checks if a file has been uploaded from this field